Uses of Class

Packages that use ScmAccessException

Uses of ScmAccessException in net.sf.bloof

Methods in net.sf.bloof that throw ScmAccessException
static void Bloof.importProject(ScmAccess aScmAccess, DbAccess aDbAccess)
          Fills a new database with the data stored in the scm accessd by scmAccess
static void Bloof.updateProject(ScmAccess aScmAccess, DbAccess aDbAccess)
          Fills a new database with the data stored in the scm accessd by scmAccess

Uses of ScmAccessException in net.sf.bloof.scm

Methods in net.sf.bloof.scm that throw ScmAccessException
 ScmRevisionIterator ScmPlugin.getRevisions(ScmAccess aAccessInformation)
          Returns a Revisioniterator on all revisions of the software project
 ScmRevisionIterator ScmPlugin.getRevisionsUpdate(ScmAccess aAccessInformation, java.util.Date aFromDate)
          Returns a Revisioniterator on all revisions of the software project

Uses of ScmAccessException in net.sf.bloof.scm.cvsplugin

Subclasses of ScmAccessException in net.sf.bloof.scm.cvsplugin
 class CvsConnectionException
          Exception that can happen during connecting cvs server
 class LogSyntaxException
          Exception class for syntax error of CVS logfiles

Methods in net.sf.bloof.scm.cvsplugin that throw ScmAccessException
 ScmRevisionIterator CvsPlugin.getRevisions(ScmAccess aAccessInformation)
 ScmRevisionIterator CvsPlugin.getRevisionsUpdate(ScmAccess aAccessInformation, java.util.Date aFromDate)

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