The Bloof Project is divided into several subprojects. This structure follows the
of the Bloof system.
Core System
The core of the system that integrates data access, data storage, analysis interface and export interface.
If you want to use the functionality of the Bloof system through its Java API, you need this part.
User Tools
Bloof Browser
The main distribution of the Bloof system. It is a GUI for navigating and analysing the history of software projects.
If you want to explore the evolution of your project, you need this distribution.
Bloof Shell
Shell interface to the Bloof system. It includes command-driven access to data access, analysis and export.
If you want to make use of Bloof without a GUI, you need this distribution.
Bloof Script
Script interface to the Bloof system. This tool allows to use the Bloof functionality in batch process. Input can be a script file or a list of command via STD IN.
If you want to make use of Bloof automatically and you donīt want to use the Java API, you need this distribution.
Bloof Websuite
This tool enables the user to create a collection of HTML pages from a set of XML result files from the Bloof system.
If you want to put the results of your analyses on your website, you need this distribution.
Additional Tools
Bloof Metrik SDK
Development Kit that allows the creation of new, compound analyses on the Bloof data model.
If you want to analyse the history of software projects with your own metrics and extend the Bloof system, you need this distribution.